Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Some random photos

One of the cutest kids ever at his mothers street side restaurant

Hmoung hill tribe women
Tasty, tasty bar be que available everywhere

Prayers are a daily part of most peoples routine.
Been making it a part of mine too.


miguel said...

What an experience you are having! The waterfalls looked like heven....I can only imagine what they sounded like. I think your trip is going to qualify you as an honorary anthropologist with a phd! What an amazing difference,geography and cluture can make. I envy your time spent among such peaceful people. Stay safe and absorb all you can,my brother/Miguel

Rocksta said...

Now that's a website!! Great work mate and fantastic photos too. Having been there myself, I can even smell Laos through your writtings.. Heart warming stuff mate. I'll see you soon champ and we will share more stories over a Beerlao if we can find one.


bathmate said...

thank you for nice posting
